I’m writing to you this morning to warn you and also to help you avoid making a very critical mistake.

You see one of the biggest excuses the last two months of the year is “I don’t have enough time”.

One of the most common statements I hear in the last two months of the year “I’ll start AFTER the new year”.

While these two statements might seem to go hand in hand for you (because you’ve probably said these things yourself), do you expect clocks to stop and extra hours to appear when the calendar rolls over to 2019?

No Way!

If you don’t have time now, you won’t have time then.

Instead you need to start developing little ‘micro’ habits that will eventually grow into good healthy lifestyle habits.

You can’t grow crops without planting the seeds and nurturing the soil. 

This when you want to plant the seeds for your 2019 growth.

So how do you make that happen? I’ve broken this down into 4 steps for you…

1.) Write down your #1 goal for 2019

2.) Identify 3 simple daily or weekly tasks that you can automate that move you closer to your goals

3.) Create your safety nets for the 3 steps above. Ex: if I do not finish ____, I’ll do ______ instead.

4.) Set a deadline to evaluate and add a new daily step (21 days from now).

It’s a VERY simple formula but also incredibly successful step-by-step plan to ensure that you are successful in achieving your goals!

Here is my personal ‘micro’ habits that align with my #1 goal….

1.) Eat healthier to reduce belly and body fat.

2.) a: start each morning with a protein shake
b: workout 5x each week
c: finish each workout with 10 minutes of cardio and abs

3.) a: grab a premade shake at work or gas station
b: do the daily bootcamp warmup at home
c: walk the dogs around the neighborhood.

4.) Deadline is January 7th. If I’ve had my protein shake each day for 21 days I’ll move to ‘micro’ habit #2 which is 5x weekly workouts.

See it is VERY simple! I’m focusing on 1 thing and 1 thing only for the next 21 days.

I’m not expecting to change my entire lifestyle in a 3 week period, I’m expecting to develop a rock solid, healthy habit in 21 days.

This is much easier to wrap your head around and also a surefire way to have success.

Your health, your fitness and your happiness is ALL a result of your daily habits. 
Let’s focus on getting better habits in 2019 instead of thinking you’re going to make a miraculous lifestyle change.

 So what is your #1 goal in 2019?

 What are 3 steps you can do daily to achieve them?

 How will you overcome your ‘bad’ days?

 When will you start to add another daily step?

If you need help, I’m only a message away. Reply back and I’m happy to help!

Committed to your fitness success,

Derek Kuryliw, CSN, CPT