They say preparation is the key to success in all aspects of life.

If this is so, then why do so many people settle for the fact that they are going to gain weight, add fat and pig out during the ‘holidays’?

holiday-weight-gain-torranceAfterall the ‘holidays’ are really only a couple of days spread over a little more than 2 months.

Think about it for a second…Halloween is October 31, Thanksgiving is November 26, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day is December 24-25 and it ends notoriously on New Years Day. That’s maybe 6 days out of 8-1/2 weeks!

Even if you are on a pretty strict normally, don’t you have at least one cheat meal per week? That would be at least 8.5 cheat meals…if not more, in a typical 8-1/2 week period.

So don’t throw in the towel just yet. Just plan wisely! 

Want even more good news? Ask the next 5 people you speak with today how much weight they gain over the holidays. I promise you they will say anything from 7-10 pounds. But that is not true. That would mean they’d gain 100 pounds over 10 years of ‘holiday eating’…I don’t think that’s neccesarily true, do you?

This 7-10 lb weight gain statistic seems a bit strange, so I decided to look it up. I found an interesting research article from the New England Journal of Medicine which examines this issue. Back in 2000, researchers examined the amount of weight gain during the American holiday season (from American Thanksgiving until New Year’s).Avoid-Holiday-Weight-Gain

Then, as now, this claim of 7-10 lbs holiday weight gain was quite common – Yanovsky reports that organizations ranging from CNN to the Texas Medical Association used the information in press releases during the holiday season of that year. He and his team objectively measured the body weight of 195 men and women over the course of the year.

  • They report that the average weight gain from mid-November to mid-January was less than 1 lb!
  • Less than 10% of the participants gained 5lbs or more. 

So now you’re probably asking yourself, “Then why do I feel like I gain so much weight?”

In my opinion it’s because we tend to eat less nutritious food with less fiber, we drink less water, we become less active and less consistent with our exercise.

This leads to feeling bloated, sluggish and unmotivated. Add this to the common seasonal depression and you have a recipe for disaster!

Remember the tips I taught you last week…

Follow these 3 simple steps to get on track and hold yourself accountable instantly using your cell phone

1) Program an hourly alarm to remind yourself to drink 8 ounces of water-repeat daily

2) Program an alarm for your brunch and linner snacks (your in-between meals)- repeat daily

3) Program an alarm to schedule 3 workouts for yourself- repeat weekly

These steps might sound so simple but, you never failed from lack of intentions. We all want to do well at anything we do so that’s definitely not the issue.

It’s lack of commitment, consistency, accountability and follow-through that trips you up each time.

Take the next 5 minutes to program these 3 important steps to get yourself on track NOW!

If you’re ready to jump back on the wagon or you have a friend that needs a kickstart, click for your first month of UNLIMITED bootcamp sessions for only $30.

No catch, no gimmicks, cancel anytime. I only want to help people that want to be helped!

Committed to your fitness success,

Derek Kuryliw, Certified Personal Trainer and Sports Nutritionist