Blog post written by a current diet coaching client:

SlimFit Diet…its worth it.

Upon receiving the products I wasn’t sure what to expect. I’m on day four of using Derek Kuryliw’s SlimFit Diet A.M. Metabolizer and P.M. Purifier and I have to say I am quite impressed. The second day of taking the SlimFit Diet products I woke up much earlier than usual with a bit more wakefulness about me and of course I knew the Purifier was working because I have an extremely slow digestive system normally. The products didn’t work harshly, they are very subtle and gentle to the system. This could be attributed to the all-natural ingredients they are made from and the purity of the product itself.

I really like the A.M Metabloizer as it has a ton of B vitamins that most of us lack from diet or over working ourselves and it gives me a natural energy boost along with curbing my hunger cravings (which we all know is a good thing). I’m now on day four of using the products and I have been sharing the results with everyone. These products have been a great addition to my training. The reason I think I like the SlimFit brand is because they are natural ingredients and my body was able to “work” with the product as it is intended.

So many times I’ve tried the unnatural way of energy or ways to detoxify the digestive system and they ended up being too strong or unforgiving to my body. The SlimFit Diet products don’t leave you drained or give you unwanted side-effects either. I’m looking forward to seeing what a month on the SlimFit Diet Products can do for me.

Derek’s Update:

This client after only 9 weeks of working together, just competed in her first bikini contest and looked better than she ever has. Her stomach was flat, abs were tight and bodyfat % was at an all time low under 9%!!

Great job, keep up the hard work!