My inspiration came from Corey (Cottrell) and (Robert) Kirby. I’ve watched them play music gigs for years and the drinking that goes along with it. I got to see both of them working out and starting their transformation’s.

I wanted to get on board and start bootcamp. I was actually on board and ready to start before I had my scare at the hospital where they told me my heart wasn’t working properly. So that was the start, it was a wake up call!

I was 291 pounds when I left the hospital and the next day I went to the to LiveFit and started my program. Initially I focused on a better eating plan and quit drinking.

My plan was to slowly ease into the bootcamp workouts while jump starting my nutrition by following the Isagenix system and intermittent fasting.

I was in touch with Corey and Gus Kalathakis with any questions I had and Derek was there to modify any exercises I had difficulties with to keep me on track.

I have not only stuck with the plan but I also haven’t had a drink since the very beginning of the year!

The biggest struggle was the first two months of Boot Camp. I didn’t want to go. I didn’t listen to it (and skip workouts) but I didn’t want to go.  After the first two months I look forward to it every day!

I’m very very happy and proud of where I am, from where I was. I started at 291 and as of my last measurements I’m down to 237 pounds.

My ultimate goal is to get around 200 pounds depending on how much muscle I have at that point.

But I’m not stuck on the weight, 200 is is just a number. I realize that the muscle I have gained is very important.

I feel I have achieved this goal because of my diet and no alcohol.  I’m also at the gym every day also I’m sometimes twice a day. I go to my bootcamp workout at LiveFit at 6am and then I’ll go the gym later on for extra work!

I don’t do more than an hour at the gym and just being very very very very serious about improving my life and living longer. I am watching how my body reacts all this and loving the results.

Bootcamp is awesome because of Derek, his team, the LiveFit facility and the camaraderie that I have with the 6am sweat heads.

Everyone in this group is very supportive of each other!