I have completed the first 20 appointments for my Mission 100 Project to write a customized fitness and accountability plan for 100 clients in the month of February completely free. I’ve found that most clients are making the same 2 mistakes.

1) YOU are too hard on yourself

2) All or nothing leaves you w/ NOTHING

Making mistakes is a great thing. Mistakes teach us how to redirect our course for the future. The problem with these 2 mistakes is that they are MENTAL MISTAKES.

Most often mental mistakes lead to a delay in action, there for no mistakes are made and no lessons are learned.

Not only are they making the same 2 mistakes, but chances are YOU are also making these same mistakes…


1.) You are too hard on yourself

There is no reason to be so hard on yourself. There are so many things in life that we can make mistakes on a daily basis but still make significant progress.

In fact I believe it’s safe to say that without mistakes, you will not make progress.

So why do so many people quit after the first mistake or when faced with adversity?


If you find yourself making the same mistakes repeatedly, you are not learning from them. Instead identify the common mistakes you make and set up a battle plan to overcome them.

Example: too tired after work to workout? 

Option 1- pack your workout clothes along with an apple and a 20 oz bottle of water, then head to the gym immediately after work instead of going home

Option 2- start each morning with 50 bicycle crunches while waiting for coffee. At least you did something today!

It all starts with breaking the routines that got you stuck in this situation.

2) All or Nothing mentality

So many ladies love Fifty Shades of Grey yet they treat their fitness like it’s black and white.

Just because you missed your breakfast doesn’t mean you have to miss the rest of your meals for the day.

Just because you missed yesterday’s workout doesn’t mean you have to miss the rest of the week and wait to start back next Monday.

Just because your socks don’t match, you forgot a hair tie, you don’t have a bottle of water, you don’t like how many clouds are in the sky or any other reason you come up with to not work out today…

Just start over. Again. Again. And again!


Option 1- Even just 20 squats each time you brush your teeth is an extra 15,000 squats each year. You don’t think that you’re booty and legs would look better after 15,000 squats? Think again!

No matter what’s holding you back, GET OVER IT.

We all have problems yet we still find time to eat, sleep, talk, work…

Creating healthy habits in your life should be no different.

If it’s important to you, you will make the time!

Committed to your fitness success,

Derek Kuryliw, Your Fitness Yoda 🙂

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