Guest blog post by mother and Transformation Tuesday success story Tina Jones…

I was working out on my own, but I wasn’t seeing the results I wanted.

I would see Shirley’s post on Facebook, which peaked my interest on what bootcamp was all about.

My biggest concern was that I wouldn’t be able to afford it. When Shirley messaged me about a special deal, I finally decided to see for myself.

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Click the picture to register in under 2 minutes!!

I wasn’t sure if this was something that I would be comfortable doing. At first I was intimidated, but after starting everyone was so friendly and helpful. There is such a wide variety of people and levels everyone finds their niche.

It has always been a struggle for me to lose weight, I wasn’t happy with my body.

Tina Jones boot camp weight loss transformation tuesday

People would say be happy with who you are, what’s inside is most important. I would try to convince myself of this, but it wasn’t good enough for me, I didn’t like what I saw in the mirror.

So the journey begins…

I had to change my entire way of thinking about food and my life style. There had to be something that finally “clicked” a mindset that you are ready for long haul.

The hardest part for me was not seeing instant results. I was working hard, eating right and it didn’t seem like much was happening. I would tell myself “look how long it took you to put it on; it’s not coming off over night.”

You really have to look at food differently; it can be very difficult at times. You have to want it, definitely a mindset!

I am seeing results, my clothes are getting loose, I am happy to see that I have bicep’s. LOL 🙂

Tina Jones boot camp transformation tuesday

I’m not where I want be yet.

My goal is to one day to have a flat stomach.

I enjoy being healthy and hope to stay that way.

Stay consistent and have patience. When you start to see good things happen, it motivates you to continue.

LiveFit is a great fit for me; I enjoy working out and pushing myself.

It also helps to have the trainers and other members that are supportive. You are going to have good days and bad days, just don’t give up.

I would suggest if you are contemplating something different, you want to see results and be around wonderful people, you need to start now… why not give a try. It’s like a family and it’s a great happy place.

Check out this transformation

Tina Jones boot camp weight loss success


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Click the picture to start your trial today in under 2 minutes…
